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Wisdom Teeth Removal in Gresham, The Dalles, and Milwaukie, OR, and Camas, WA
Wisdom Teeth Removal in Gresham, The Dalles, and Milwaukie, OR, and Camas, WA

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Gresham, OR

Comfortable Third Molar Extractions

Beacon Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons offers wisdom teeth or third molar extractions for patients in Gresham, OR, and the surrounding areas. Third molars are an additional set of teeth that grow under the surface of the gums and, in many cases, are undetectable without proper X-ray evaluation. It is not uncommon for teens and adults to be unaware that they exist until they begin to present significant problems.

Oral surgeons like Dr. Lieblick and Dr. Rehrer have undergone extensive training to safely and effectively remove wisdom teeth. If it’s time for you or your child to have wisdom teeth evaluated by a professional, please contact our Gresham, Oregon, office to schedule an appointment.

Why Should I Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

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The average human mouth does not have room to fit an extra set of molars, which causes wisdom teeth to try and make room. An impacted wisdom tooth is one that has become trapped beneath the gum tissue and is unable to erupt into the dental arch. Whether a patient has impacted, partially grown, or fully grown wisdom teeth, they are at an increased risk for the development of a multitude of oral and dental problems, and these issues may require extensive or costly procedures to correct.

Impacted wisdom teeth will not erupt on their own and must be surgically removed. Leaving this type of tooth untreated can cause nearby teeth to shift out of place as well as many other health complications, including:

  • Bacterial growth, gum disease, and tooth decay
  • Misalignment of healthy teeth as the wisdom teeth force dental crowding and shifting throughout the mouth
  • Swelling, stiffness, tenderness, pain, and even bad breath caused by periodontal disease
  • Increased risk of tumor growth and cyst development, which can cause issues in healthy teeth and the jaw bone
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When to Have Wisdom Teeth Removed

Maintaining regular dental health checkups with your general dentist should help you determine when and if the molars are developing in your mouth. If you currently have third molars in your mouth, you should seek treatment as soon as possible to mitigate the issues listed above and avoid costly orthodontic and surgical treatment that may arise from these problems. At Beacon Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, we recommend that removal occurs as early as possible, usually during the mid to late teens. The removal process is generally much more rapid and presents fewer complications if the molars are removed early because the roots are not fully developed, and younger patients are more likely to recover quickly from surgery.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Surgery

If you elect to have your molars removed at our office in Gresham, OR, or one of our other three offices, you will receive a thorough oral examination from one of our oral and maxillofacial surgeons, Dr. Russell Lieblick or Dr. Brandon Rehrer. We may take 3D scans of your mouth and teeth and will discuss your options for anesthesia during surgery.

During surgery, your oral surgeon will extract any visible teeth with forceps. Your surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue to expose and remove the impacted teeth, then place dissolvable sutures. You will rest in our comfortable recovery area until the anesthesia wears off, then be driven home by your prearranged driver.

If you have any questions before your procedure, our office staff and skilled surgical team would be happy to help you in any way possible. It is our goal to ensure that you are fully informed and at ease before receiving treatment and that you completely understand the pre- and post-operative instructions to ensure optimal recovery.

Bank Stem Cells From Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth contain powerful stem cells that have been used to develop regenerative medicine. Choose to have your stem cells stored in a lab after having wisdom teeth removed so they will be ready if you need them in the future. Learn more on our stem cells page or the Stemodontics® website.

Types of Anesthesia

We offer several options for anesthesia to make your experience as comfortable as possible.

Hear From Wisdom Tooth Removal Patients

These patients can tell you about the firsthand experience undergoing wisdom tooth removal at our office.

Reviews From Our Wisdom Tooth Removal Patients

Testimonial carousel mihkayla wt
Mihkayla Reviews Her Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

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"Hi! I’m Mihkayla from Vancouver, Washington. I came to see Dr. Rehrer to get my wisdom teeth pulled out. Everyone here at Beacon Oral Surgery is very personable. They make you feel at home. They really give you the best experience. Dr. Rehrer is definitely fun to work with. He will definitely make you laugh. The staff here is very kind. They made me feel comfortable, and they talked me through every step of the way. The procedure went well, and I had a very quick recovery, which I’m very grateful for. For my friends and family in Vancouver and Camas, Washington, I highly recommend Beacon Oral Surgeons. "

Testimonial carousel andrew
Andrew Reviews His Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

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"I am Andrew, and I'm from Grass Valley, Oregon. I needed to have my wisdom teeth pulled. I was - I was nervous, just having surgery for once and having my mouth operated on. They were very professional, just kind of laying it out - how it's going to be and how it should be. You know, it's easy to feel comfortable around a bunch of pretty girls. Great! They did a great job; I don't remember it too much, but the job got done, clear and precise. My recovery was fine; they always checked up on me to see how I was doing and how I reacted to the surgery. What I liked about the staff was that they were very professional, courteous, and attentive to my needs. I would recommend Beacon completely."

Testimonial carousel cally wt
Cally Reviews Her Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

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"My name is Cally. I’m from Canby, Oregon. I went to see Dr. Lieblick to get my <a href='/oral-surgery-procedures/wisdom-teeth-removal-milwaukie-or/' title='Learn more about wisdom teeth removal'><strong>wisdom teeth removed</strong></a>. Their office is very clean and crisp. The employees are very nice and attentive whenever you walk in. Dr. Lieblick is very calm and attentive. He explains everything very thoroughly. I really liked Beacon Oral Surgery’s process and really appreciated Dr. Lieblick. For my friends and family from Portland and Gresham, Oregon, I highly recommend Beacon Oral Surgeons."

Testimonial carousel preston
Preston Reviews His Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

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"Hi, my name's Preston, and I'm from The Dalles, Oregon. I went to Beacon Oral Surgeons to get my wisdom teeth removed. I wasn't in any pain; the dentist said it was just time for them to come out. I wasn't that nervous because they made me feel pretty relaxed about the whole procedure when they explained it to me. They explained the whole procedure to me, how they go about it. They showed me a video on what they would do. Yeah, I went to sleep, woke up, and it was pretty much all done. My recovery was absolutely smooth, just as long as I stuck with the foods that they told me to eat. Dr. Lieblick was very professional, very friendly. He made me feel very comfortable during the procedure. If any of my friends from Dallesport, Dufur, or Portland, OR, decided to get their wisdom teeth removed, I would highly recommend Beacon Oral Surgeons."

Testimonial alison wt mobile
Alison Reviews Her Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

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"Hi, my name is Alison from Camas, Washington, and I came to see Dr. Leiblick to have my wisdom tooth removed. Beacon Oral Surgery was very welcoming, and they made me feel very comfortable. Dr. Leiblick was very thorough. He explained exactly what he was going to do in the surgery, and he made me feel very confident. The staff here at Beacon Oral Surgery are very friendly, and I feel that they are very professional. I had an excellent experience. The surgery, actually, went much, much better than I expected. For my friends and family in Camas and Vancouver, I highly recommend Beacon Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons."

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you get put to sleep when you get your wisdom teeth taken out?

Most patients undergo IV anesthesia, which puts you into a semi-conscious state. You are able to hear and respond to your surgeon, but will wake up when the anesthesia wears off with no memory of the procedure. Be sure to follow the pre-operative instructions closely to prepare for anesthesia.

How painful are wisdom teeth extractions?

Anesthesia helps your surgical procedure be as comfortable as possible. Swelling usually peaks on the third day following surgery. You can manage discomfort with ice packs or over-the-counter pain medication.

How long is wisdom teeth removal recovery?

You can return to your normal routine a few days after surgery, taking care not to disturb your surgical sites. Follow the instructions we provided, and your recovery will be as smooth as possible. The surgical sites will fully heal in about 2 weeks.

Do sutures prevent dry socket?

Sutures prevent bleeding and help the surgical sites heal. Dry socket occurs when the blood clot is dislodged, delaying healing. You can prevent this by avoiding straws and by not smoking. Brush carefully around the surgical sites and try not to chew on the side of your mouth where the clot is forming. Stick to soft foods during recovery and rinse the extraction sites with salt water to prevent infection.

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